Entanglement in marine debris and fishing gear is an important source of fatality in marine mammals in Alaska, particularly for large whales. PMMC is an active member of the Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Network and draws on a team of trained volunteers to assist marine mammals in distress.
Ed Lyman (Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary) assists NOAA Fisheries and community-based responders free large whales from life threatening entanglements. This Petersburg Science Series presentation was recorded while he was in Petersburg to train PMMC responders.
Interested in volunteering? Our local volunteers bring a range of skills to the team from communications, photography, documentation and boat handling. We are trained to respond to disentanglement, stranding and injury events in addition to collecting samples for necropsy. Some members are also trained to render assistance to marine mammals during national oil spill events.
Contact us to get involved.